COMBO: Scaling Solutions for Web3 Game Development

4 min readMay 6, 2023

COMBO is a rapidly growing company that offers scaling solutions for the development of Web3 games. Its primary goal is to maximize the potential of Web3 games by connecting game developers with the entire ecosystem in an efficient, affordable, and secure way. By leveraging the world’s top game engine, COMBO is building an open-source, decentralized, game-oriented Layer2 that is accessible to everyone.

Source: ComboNetwork

COMBO was founded after the explosive success of CryptoKitties in 2017. The potential for blockchain games was realized, and the possibilities presented by this project generated a rare excitement among seasoned game engine experts. However, at the time, mature Ethereum scaling solutions had yet to emerge, and infrastructure was still immature. After careful consideration, COMBO built the first game chain based on Graphene technology, successfully launching in 2019. The company introduced advanced concepts such as parallel worlds, item traversal, asset synthesis, and asset circulation.

In the wake of the DeFi Summer of 2020, the GameFi wave of 2021, and the maturation of Ethereum’s scaling solutions, COMBO recognized that an isolated chain was no longer viable. The team decided to shut down their original Graphene-based chain and fully embrace the Ethereum ecosystem. Afterward, the team developed the IGO platform and a Web3 plugin to facilitate game development.

However, as COMBO reflected on its original mission, the team realized that the path to achieving the goal of “serving game developers and attracting over one billion gamers to the Web3 world” remained unclear. “As more Layer2 mainnets such as Optimism, Arbitrum, and StarkNet are launched, we see a new possibility,” said a technology contributor of COMBO. “Layer2 can fundamentally solve Ethereum’s scalability problem, and there will be many specialized Layer2 in the future. Therefore, creating a game-focused Layer2 is possible.”

COMBO’s architecture is designed to address three major issues that have plagued Web3 game development for a long time. The first issue is a lack of scalability, with low throughput, high transaction costs, and limited game development tools acting as a barrier to both players and developers, significantly limiting the scale of Web3 games. COMBO aims to provide a cheaper and more user-friendly development environment for DApp developers. For DApp users, COMBO provides a smoother and more cost-effective experience.

The second issue is a lack of gameplay, resulting in Web3 games feeling more like financial instruments than actual fun games. COMBO recognizes the importance of gameplay in Web3 games and is working to develop games that are not only fun to play but also offer real value to players.

The third issue is a high barrier to entry for players, requiring them to create wallets, store private keys, find convenient channels for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. COMBO aims to make it easier for players to enter the Web3 world by developing games that are easy to play and accessible to everyone.

Backed by the world’s leading investors and partners in gaming including Binance Labs, NEO Global Capital, and more, COMBO is on a mission to bring over 1 billion gamers to Web3. By creating a game-focused Layer2 that addresses the issues that have plagued Web3 game development for a long time, COMBO is poised to play a significant role in the future of Web3 gaming. The company’s commitment to providing an efficient, affordable, and secure platform for game developers and players alike is sure to attract more gamers to the Web3 world.

Source: ComboNetwork

The COMBO Network is the backbone of the architecture and serves as the layer2 scaling solution. It is built on top of the Ethereum network, leveraging its security and decentralization while providing high throughput and low transaction costs for gaming applications. The network is optimized for gaming applications, providing fast confirmation times and low latency for seamless gameplay.

The COMBO Game SDK is a set of development tools and libraries that enable game developers to integrate their games with the COMBO Network. It includes features such as item management, cross-game asset transfers, and item synthesis, allowing developers to create more complex and engaging games that leverage the benefits of blockchain technology.

The COMBO Wallet is a user-friendly wallet that simplifies the process of storing and managing cryptocurrencies for gaming applications. It integrates with the COMBO Network and provides users with a seamless experience for buying, selling, and trading in-game assets.

COMBO’s goal is to bring over one billion gamers to Web3 by providing a scalable, secure, and user-friendly platform for game development. The platform is designed to address the unique challenges of Web3 gaming, enabling developers to create engaging and immersive games that leverage the benefits of blockchain technology. With backing from leading investors and partners in gaming, COMBO is well-positioned to achieve its mission and usher in a new era of Web3 gaming.

Source: ComboNetwork

In conclusion, COMBO is a leading provider of scaling solutions for Web3 game development. Its architecture is designed specifically to address the challenges of Web3 gaming and offers a scalable, secure, and user-friendly platform for game development. Backed by leading investors and partners in gaming, COMBO is on a mission to bring over one billion gamers to Web3 and usher in a new era of blockchain gaming.

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